Metro Tow Trucks
Founding Member - Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing
Owned and operated by Canadian Webb Webhe, this company creates and customizes tow trucks and other special purpose vehicles for clients all over the world from their manufacturing base in Jiangmen, Guangdong Province.
The companies tow truck brand "Metro Tow Trucks" has become one of the most respected brands in tow truck manufacturing in China and is well known all over the world for its consistent innovation and high standard of quality.
扎根广东江门、加拿大人Webb Webhe创办、重型拖车、特殊用途车辆以及畅销全球,都是伟博利的醒目标签。
广东伟博利重工制造有限公司旗下的拖车产品“Metro Tow Trucks”已是国内拖车制造业内的领跑标杆品牌。不断突破的技术革新和始终坚守的高标质量更让该品牌享誉全球,广受各国客户青睐。