ASJ Dongguan
Company Member - K12 Education
東莞暨大港澳子弟學校 是「粵港澳大灣區」和先行示範區「雙區驅動」效應背景下興辦的第二間獲廣東省教育廳註冊的港澳子弟學校,由暨南大學、東莞伊頓教育集團、香港維港教育集團聯合舉辦,是全國第二家由國內知名高校指導創辦的港澳子弟學校,並參照外籍人員子女學校管理的國際學校,也是唯一一間以英文为主要教学语言的暨大港澳子弟学校。
The Affiliated School of Jinan University for Hong Kong and Macau Students (ASJ Dongguan) is an international school registered with the Education Bureau of the Province of Guangdong as the second partnership school in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and in the Pilot Demonstration Area of Guangdong. It is co-founded by Jinan University, Dongguan EtonHouse Education Group, and Hong Kong Victoria Harbor Education Group. Being a high-calibre international school in the GBA, ASJ Dongguan is rooted in Chinese culture while being the only ASJ school that is led by a diverse international leadership team, and the only ASJ school that uses English as the medium of instructions from K1 to G12.
2024年9月,本校获香港考试及评核局认证为香港中学文凭考试“与考学校”, 成为全国第四间、东莞首间和唯一的 “HKDSE与考学校”。
In September 2024, ASJ Dongguan received formal notification from the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) of its approval to operate as an “HKDSE Participating School”. ASJ Dongguan has now become the 4th authorized HKDSE participating school in China, while being the 1st and only one in Dongguan.
BT 陳老師/Ms. Eva 150 0769 7363(初高中部)
黄老师/Ms. Stacey 13430311834(初高中部)
华老师/Ms. Grace 18925727062(初高中部)
杨老师/Ms. Ivy 18025210618(小学部)
朱老师/Ms. Annette 18925826732(幼儿部)
邓老师/Ms. Cloris 18925710082(初高中部)
广东省东莞市高埗镇广场北路19号 No.19 Guangchang North Road, Gaobu Town,Dongguan City, Guangdong
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